I've had this Australian BRICK BRADFORD reprint comic since the 1960s, but my knowledge of Australian comics is sparse. I found this information in the blog,
Comics Down Under:
Unsurprisingly, many of Page Publications early comic books dating from the mid-1960s were reprints of American newspaper comic strips, such as Beetle Bailey, Brick Bradford, Daisy and Jungle Jim – most of which were King Features Syndicate properties that were, in turn, sold to Australian newspapers by Page Publications’ ‘parent’ company, the Yaffa Syndicate.
These self-covered, 24-page comic books first appeared around 1965 (prior to the introduction of decimal currency in Australia), but by the following year, they began displaying the Page Comics/Silver Star logo on their covers.
Many of the covers for Page Publications’ adventure titles, such as Red Ryder, Big Ben Bolt and Secret Agent X9, were drawn by the Australian comic artist, Keith Chatto – who also drew the half-page panels used as introductory ‘space-fillers’ in these comics.Decimal currency, referred to above, was introduced in Australia in 1966.
BRICK BRADFORD #19 and other comic strip content is Copyright © King Features Syndicate